Formulated fertilization technology in the orchard

Soil testing and formula fertilization technology refers to the timely monitoring of soil fertility through soil testing. According to the fertilizer characteristics and agricultural production requirements of different crops, the application of organic fertilizer with fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, medium and trace elements and other fertilizers is applied in a balanced manner. A scientific fertilization method that improves the utilization of fertilizer nutrients and promotes high yield, high quality and high efficiency of crops. The technical points of soil testing and formula fertilization are as follows:

The first step is to collect soil samples. The sampling location and the soil collected must be representative. Collecting soil samples is the basis of balanced fertilization. If the sampling is not accurate, the scientific nature of balanced fertilization is fundamentally lost. According to the distribution characteristics of the roots of fruit trees, in order to objectively reflect the nutrient supply in the soil layer, the sampling depth should be between 20 and 60 cm, and the soil should be layered.

Sampling is generally a unit of 50-100 mu. Of course, this should be determined according to the actual situation. If the plot area is large and the fertility is similar, the sampling representative area can be enlarged; if it is a sloping farmland or a plot, the fertility If the change is large, the sampling area may be smaller. You can select a representative 5 to 10 points of sampling according to the "zigzag" or "plum shape", remove the topsoil cover, dig into the section according to the standard depth, and evenly take the soil according to the soil layer. Then, mix the collected soil samples, reduce the number of samples by the four-point method, and finally leave about 1 kg. The obtained soil samples are placed in the bag, and the label should be placed inside and outside the bag, indicating the sampling location, date, sampler and relevant contents of the analysis.

The second step is soil testing. Soil testing is a soil diagnosis, looking for laboratories in the agricultural and scientific research departments above the county level. Determination of the content of the assay, considering the need and possible aspects. According to the current farmers' actual affordability of laboratory costs, only some major projects with greater relevance can be selected. Five basic tests can be used, namely alkaline nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, organic matter and pH. Among these five items, alkali-soluble nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium are the three most important nutrient elements that reflect soil fertility. The organic matter and PH value can be used as reference items; the medium and micro nutrient elements can be tested according to the needs. The soil test should be accurate and timely. The data obtained from the test should be filled out by the farmer, and the registration form should be registered, the local file should be loaded, the computer should be input, and the soil database should be established.

The third step is to determine the recipe. The recipe selection was completed by agricultural experts and specialist Asiana technicians. Experts from the Provincial Agricultural University, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Soil and Fertilizer Management Station can be hired to form an expert group to analyze and study relevant technical data and scientifically determine the fertilizer formula. Local agricultural technology promotion centers and soil and fertilizer stations are responsible for local fertilizer formulations. The agricultural science and technology personnel selected fertilizer ratio and fertilization amount according to the amount of fertilizer required for fruit trees, the amount of fertilizer supplied by the soil, and the utilization rate of different fertilizers in the current season.

The fourth step is to process the formula fertilizer. Formulated fertilizer production requires strict organization and serialized services. It is necessary to establish a balanced fertilization technology industry cooperation network. This collaborative network integrates the competent departments of the industry, education, scientific research, promotion, fertilizer enterprises, and rural service organizations. It implements unified soil testing, unified formula, unified fertilizer supply, and unified technical guidance to serve the farmers. The first level of production of formula fertilizer, we must take care of the raw material fertilizer, select the famous brand fertilizer manufacturers inside and outside the province, and choose raw materials fertilizer with good quality and reasonable price. The second level is the scientific blending of fertilizers, and the county agricultural technology promotion department has unified the establishment of a fertilizer plant.

The fifth step is to buy fertilizer by side. After the practice of promoting soil testing and formula fertilization in recent years, some places have already explored the supply of formula fertilizer. After the soil testing formula, the county agricultural technology promotion center will formulate the formula according to the crops by the farmers, and the county promotion center, the township comprehensive service station, and the farmers. It is distributed to farmers by the township agricultural comprehensive service station or the county promotion center.

The sixth step is to use fertilizer scientifically. Formulated fertilizers are mostly applied as a base fertilizer at one time. It is necessary to master the depth of fertilization and effectively meet the needs of fertilizers in the middle and late stages of fruit tree growth and development. It is used as a fertilizer for topdressing. It depends on the weather, the variety, the timing of topdressing, the promotion of water application and deep application, and the improvement of fertilizer utilization.

The seventh step is field monitoring. Balanced fertilization is a dynamic management process. After using the formulated fertilizer, it is necessary to observe the growth and development of the fruit trees, and analyze the observation results to judge the fertilization effect. The field monitoring results were promptly fed back to the experts and technical consultation system as an important basis for adjusting and revising the balanced fertilization formula.

The eighth step is to modify the formula. According to the data obtained from the soil survey and the field monitoring situation, the agricultural expert group and the agricultural science and technology consulting group jointly analyze and study, and modify the fertilizer formula to make the technical measures of balanced fertilization more realistic and scientific. This modification is in full compliance with the objective laws of scientific development. Every time it is repeated, it is a deepening improvement.

Fertilization according to the method of soil testing and balanced fertilization can effectively improve the soil deficiency, promote the balanced supply of soil nutrients, improve the fertilizer utilization rate and economic benefits, and promote the stable and high yield of fruit trees. (Li Xianxin)

From: Hunan Science and Technology News
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