Research and Analysis on the Quality Failure of Pre-buried Anchor Bolts

Reasons for the analysis of the quality of the pre-buried anchor bolts, in addition to the construction quality of the anchor bolts, and the construction quality of the pre-embedded construction of the anchor bolts (the construction process of the embedded anchor bolts in the foundation) Generally: the basic steel bar binding foundation template installation foundation anchor bolt pre-buried foundation concrete pouring maintenance mold removal). The pre-buried construction quality of the anchor bolts is inaccurate when the anchor bolts are pre-buried and installed. When the installation is in place, there is an error in the spatial position and geometrical dimensions, and the installation and fixing are not firm. The quality factor of the pre-buried construction of the anchor bolt and the construction quality of the foundation formwork are the most important factors affecting the pre-buried construction quality of the anchor bolt. It is also the main reason for the pre-burial quality accident of the anchor bolt of the project. The installation procedure is concrete. A major process in construction. Through the spatial orientation of the template, the plastic concrete can be shaped into a certain shape according to the design requirements, and it is also the operation platform and safety guarantee for the concrete construction. The pre-embedded anchor bolts can be pre-buried and checked according to the geometric size and spatial position of the template. The formwork is a model for cast-in-place concrete molding. In order to ensure the shape and size of the structure and components, the formwork system must have sufficient strength, rigidity and stability. Therefore, the anchor bolts must be securely fastened to the formwork to ensure accurate and secure mounting of the anchor bolts. Therefore, the quality control of pre-buried anchor bolts depends on the quality control of the installation and construction of pre-buried concrete members. The construction site of the project was originally a pond channel, and the building site was formed by backfilling. Because the original backfill contains a large amount of domestic garbage, such as waste plastics and used tires, the composition is complex and the nature is extremely unstable. When installing the foundation and foundation beam formwork, the sideform support is fixed on the foundation slope and the pile on the side of the foundation pit. Because the slope of the foundation pit contains a large amount of backfilling garbage, it seriously affects the stability of the soil, weakens the strength of the soil, and causes the lateral support of some of the templates to fail, causing the template to deform under the load of the poured concrete, directly leading to the embedded anchor bolt. The deformation of the position. The template worker failed to improve the construction process according to the construction site conditions, which was the main reason for the quality accident of the project.

Foundation concrete pouring construction will also affect anchor bolts. Precast quality concrete pouring is generally carried out by using a vibrating rod and a flat vibrator for vibrating construction. If the construction personnel do not pay attention to the protection of the pre-embedded anchor bolts during the construction process, the rough construction will cause the deformation of the pre-embedded anchor bolts and displacement, which will affect the pre-buried quality of the anchor bolts. The strict control of concrete pouring, resulting in over-irrigation of the foundation concrete, is also the main reason for the insufficient length of the exposed bolts of the project and affecting the installation of the structure. More importantly, if the concrete pouring construction is not strictly controlled, serious quality accidents such as leakage vibration and honeycomb holes are generated, resulting in unqualified acceptance of concrete members, and the embedded anchor bolts cannot be put into use, which will also cause the anchor bolts to be embedded. Construction failure. Therefore, the quality of foundation concrete construction will also affect the quality of precast construction of anchor bolts. Therefore, in the process of foundation concrete pouring, the pre-embedded team of anchor bolts should send special personnel to follow the whole process, and cooperate with the concrete pouring construction personnel to timely discover and deal with the sudden factors affecting the quality of the embedded anchor bolts. This is also very necessary. Effective pre-control measures.

Handling of quality accidents The degree of deflection of the anchor bolts in this project is not very serious, and the maximum deviation is within 10 mm. In the case where the empirical calculation of the skewed anchor bolts can still meet the requirements, the straightening treatment is adopted. For the displacement situation affecting the structural column bottom plate installation, after the bottom plate is reamed, pad with the same thickness as the bottom plate of 50@50mm is padded on the column bottom plate, and the bottom plate is welded firmly, and then the foot nut is installed. If the exposed part of the anchor bolt is insufficient, it shall be treated separately according to the review of the exposed height of the anchor bolt. If the exposed part is insufficient due to the super-irrigation of the foundation concrete, it is sufficient to cut off the excess concrete. If the exposed part is insufficient due to the sinking of the anchor bolt, the internal bolt can be machined to lengthen the anchor bolt. In view of the main reasons for the pre-buried quality of the project, the support system of the basic formwork is strengthened, and the supporting system of the poor soil section is properly encrypted to ensure the support strength and rigidity and improve the overall stability of the formwork system. For the concrete pouring personnel to strengthen the pre-class meeting, enhance the protection awareness of the finished products of the anchor bolts and improve the construction quality. Through the above measures, the sheep will be remedied, and the management of the subsequent construction will be strengthened, so that the construction of the anchor bolts of the 2#7# plant will progress smoothly, basically eliminating the hidden dangers of quality accidents and ensuring the smooth progress of the construction of the project.

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